These are stories about a special bear with a shunt. Lots of children have shunts too. Perhaps you are one of them?
You can read about Benny and his adventures below, or on the Hydro and Me website, which has been developed by Integra LifeSciences and contains other fun activities including jigsaw puzzles and colouring sheets.
A diagnosis of hydrocephalus can feel a bit scary at first, but this book tells the story of Benny Bear’s time in hospital, from being diagnosed, to having a shunt fitted, and how much better he then feels. A diagnosis of hydrocephalus needn’t be scary after all...
Sometimes shunts can block, which can leave children feeling very poorly and needing a ‘shunt revision’ operation to put right. This book explains the signs to look out for, Benny’s experience in hospital, and his recovery to feel so much better again.
Starting a new school can be a bit daunting for both children and their parents – but good communication between home and school can help everyone prepare well for the new opportunities ahead.
Benny Bear enjoys time away at camp, happily joining in all the sporting activities with his classmates.
Benny’s adventures continue with a family holiday to France. Because Benny has a shunt, his mummy meets with Benny’s neurosurgeon to check that all is safe for the trip.