Opportunity for parent/carers of our Little Stars members aged 0-5years to meet virtually.
Informal conversation, sharing of ideas, support and shine resources.
We hope to make this a regular monthly session.
Please note:
This session will take place via a closed Zoom session, to participate you will need to book your place by clicking the 'Sign Up Now' button provided, and ensure that you have the Zoom software installed on your computer or mobile device.
A link to the Zoom event will be sent to the email address you provide during your booking.
Zoom is free of charge to use, and entirely secure. If you do not currently have it installed, you can download it here
Parent / Carer must stay in the same room with the young person. Only Shine staff can take a screenshot with the permission of all participants. No private messaging other participants.
If you have any further questions or would like to find out more information regarding this event, please reach out. Just click the 'Get in Touch' button below, and we'll be more than happy to assist you.
Sign up now