Shine offer a range of useful resources and publications to help you communicate with your employer and share information about hydrocephalus which can help them to support you in the workplace.
Information for Employers
This leaflet contains lots of useful information to help employers understand how they can support and empower you in the workplace.
Download Information for Employers
Workplace - Reasonable Adjustments Passport
It's not always easy to talk about your health, mobility requirements or specific needs in the workplace but with our workplace passport, you'll be able to record and review any adjustments made, and keep track of any changes required in one simple to use document - you can print it out, or fill it out online and save to your device.
Download or complete your workplace passport
'Hydrocephalus and Me' Card
Personalise this card and carry it with you to help explain what symptoms you have, and what your manager or colleagues at work can do to support you.
Watch this short video for instructions on how to use your card, and ideas for what to include on it.
Order your Hydrocephalus and Me card
Hydrocephalus and Shunts - What you need to know
Does your employer know what to do if a shunt malfunction occurs? This useful guide contains health and safety tips, what to look out for, and what action to take if they suspect shunt malfunction or similar has occurred.
Click here for information about hydrocephalus and shunts
Welfare and Benefits Advice
If you're currently out of work, managing your money and working out what benefits or tax credits you might be entitled to can be a complex task. We've compiled some useful information to help you.
Click here for welfare and benefits advice
Non-visible Disabilities Video
This video was created by Shine members and volunteers who wanted to share their experiences with some of the negative ways they have been spoken to by colleagues, the public, medical professionals, employers etc. and the long-lasting impact these encounters have had on them.
They wanted to highlight this and aim to get people thinking and talking about the impact their actions and words can have on a person – when you assume something without having all the facts.