As a Shine member you constantly place your health, and sometimes your life, in the hands of clinicians. Most people will not experience any difficulties. But sometimes things go unexpectedly wrong. In some cases, this could have been avoided.
The decision to bring a claim for negligence can be a difficult one – it is not a quick nor easy process and it can mean having to recall painful experiences about the impact the mistake has had on you and your family.
Before considering a clinical negligence claim it is important that you take advice from specialist, reputable solicitors who are experts in clinical negligence cases.
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Watch this video for an introduction to Shine's Legal Panel.
To help you, Shine has identified expert law firms who are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. They understand the complexities and complications that spina bifida, hydrocephalus and their associated conditions bring. They will ensure you get the right legal advice and support as soon as possible.
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The solicitors delivering Shine's Legal Service are members of the Law Society Clinical Negligence Panel, Association of Personal Injury Lawyers or the patient safety charity, Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA).
More information about clinical negligence and Shine’s Legal Service can be found here:
Jack* was born with a tethered spinal cord and late diagnosis left him with a lifelong injury. Our help with Jack's claim will ensure he has a future that includes everything he needs.
Gareth* was born with spina bifida, a diagnosis missed by doctors. We supported his family through the clinical negligence claim process to ensure the best future for Gareth.
Lesley* was wrongly diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, which turned out to be a brain tumour causing hydrocephalus. With our help, Lesley has independence in her home again.
Oluma* was diagnosed with hydrocephalus when she was 20, and had a shunt inserted. Years later this malfunctioned, which wasn't picked up for years. With our support, Oluma was compensated for her loss of earnings and pain, and received support with getting back into employment.
Oliver* has spina bifida occulta. Parent's Elise and Mark came to Enable Law around Oliver's fifth birthday. They had looked for a firm using the Shine’s online Legal Service directory as they wanted to make sure that their solicitor would be able to understand Oliver's condition.
* name and images have been changed on the request of the individuals.
Shine's legal service is delivered in partnership with: