Shine news

Never miss another update...

4th August 2020


Here at Shine we encourage all Shine members and supporters to review their email and social media settings to ensure you receive all the latest updates.

We regularly email members to keep you informed about the work we're doing, the latest research and developments and to invite you to events, as well sharing good news from across the spina bifida and hydrocephalus communities, or to seek your views on upcoming plans and projects.

Everyone's email settings are different, and these messages can fall into your "Spam" or "Junk mail" folders.  However, you can make sure you receive Shine emails by adding us to something called a "Whitelist" - a list of approved senders - this tells your email provider that you know and trust us, which will keep emails from Shine in your inbox where you can see them!

We send emails to you from the following addresses, each would need to be added to your Whitelist.

See below for instructions on how to update your settings for some the most popular email applications:

But what about social media?  Shine share, on average, 10-15 updates a week to our Facebook page @ShineUKCharity, but the chances are you won't see them all.  Here's why...

Facebook uses something called a 'Ranking algorithm' to determine which posts you get to see - it tries to figure out which posts you'll be most interested in.

Posts that you see first are influenced by your connections and activity on Facebook, the number of comments, likes and reactions a post receives and what kind of story it is - so if your friends, family and connections aren't interacting with content relating to spina bifida and hydrocephalus, then it's likely you won't see it either.

The good news is, you can fix this in less than 30 seconds!

Watch our video below for instructions on how to ensure you never miss another update from Shine.

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