Your stories

Volunteers' Week 2023 - Day 2

2nd June 2023


Volunteers Week is here, and today we're shining a light on two wonderful volunteers.

Our volunteers help us run the online support we offer Shine members. We are very grateful to Rowland and Joe, who support our Shine staff in welcoming new members to our Shine 40 Plus Facebook group, as well as overseeing content and helping manage the group.

Volunteer Rowland explains how he got involved with Shine:

“I was born with Spina Bifida Myelomeningocele and originally treated in Alder Hey hospital in Liverpool and then Great Ormond Street Hospital. Unfortunately, after being discharged by GOSH when I was 16, I was not referred to an adult clinic for monitoring.

After turning 50 I was trying to find out how Spina Bifida might affect me in later life and that is when I found out about ASBAH (Shine's former name). Shortly after joining ASBAH the Charity changed names to Shine and then started the Shine50 (now Shine40+), online support Group under the guidance of Angie Coster of Shine and Sue Bennetton, who provided the voluntary Admin support.

I have found Shine very supportive and the Shine50 Group equally helpful and supportive through shared experiences etc, and well run, thanks to the original Admin team of Sue Bennetton and Sue Skinner. In 2014 when Angie asked if I would like to join the Admin Team, I was very happy to do so, as it gave me an opportunity to give something back to a group which I have found so beneficial and helpful; in many ways.”  


Here's what Joe had to say about volunteering for Shine:

"I really enjoy being a part of the admin team for the SHINE 40+ Facebook group, and working with Rowland and the team at SHINE. The group has developed and grown into a friendly platform where people can share their experiences and ask for help and advice. I know the group is an important platform where members feel safe and supported and we are there to help and support our members."


And finally, here are a few words about our wonderful volunteers from Sharon, Shine Support and Development worker: “The 40+ group would not run as well as it does without the valuable input of both Rowland and Joe. When I am unavailable, or away from the office, I have the confidence in our peer support admin team to monitor and maintain the group to the highest standard. They make a great team!"

If you're interested in volunteering and want to find out more, click here.


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