29th April 2024
An invitation for mothers of children with spina bifida to take part in research via an online interview about their experiences during and after pregnancy. The interview can be one-to-one or a group interview as you prefer. The group interview will be held on the 4th of May but one-to-one interviews can be arranged to suit your availability.
The research is being conducted by Amalia (Amy) Alonso who is studying a Masters Degree in Public Health at Leeds Beckett University. The research will be overseen by Dr. Louise Warwick-Booth.
To take part you need to be a mother who:
The interview involves recalling experiences that may be upsetting for you. You can withdraw from the interview at any time and all participants will be given contact details for getting support afterwards if needed.
If you already know that you want to take part you can download the participant information sheet and consent form in advance and send to Amy Alonso or you can contact Amy for more information.
Contact information:
Amalia (Amy) Alonso, Principal investigator, MSc Public Health student, Leeds Beckett University, email address:
Dr Louise Warwick-Booth, Reader, School of Health, Leeds Beckett University, email address: