If your child has an EHC plan, then you have the right to request a Personal Budget.
If your child has been assessed as needing a social care service, such as short breaks, you have the right to request a direct payment instead. You can then use the money to make your own arrangements, for example by employing a carer/personal assistant to look after your child in your home. To request a direct payment, speak to your social worker or contact your local authority’s children with disabilities team.
If your child is eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, they have the right to a personal health budget. Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s) also have the power to offer personal health budgets to other groups of patients if they think they will benefit.
If you are a working parent of a child or young person with a disability, you may be able to get direct payments to cover the additional element of childcare.
If you need help with recruiting a Personal Assistant (PA):
Personal budgets are not available in Wales. Direct payments are available to meet the care and support needs of a child and to meet the support needs of a carer. See here for further information.
Direct payments are widely available in Northern Ireland for both adults and children. See here for more information
Further Reading:
Contact have helpful information on personal budgets