Pregnancy advice and support

Support During Pregnancy 

If you have received the news that your pregnancy has been affected by a Neural Tube Defect such as spina bifida, encephalocele or anencephaly and you would like to discuss this with us please do call us on 01733 555988 and ask to be referred to the health team for pregnancy advice. 

We know that this can be a confusing, emotional and bewildering time and we are here to answer any of your questions and can give you as much time as you need to talk. We can offer you advice and information on the condition your baby has and how this may affect their lives.  

You can be assured that we will listen to all of your concerns without judgement and will support you and give you information to help you make whatever decisions you may be facing.  

If it would help to talk with other parents who have gone through similar experiences, we can put you in touch with them also. 

Please just get in touch and we can decide together how best we can help. 

Support When Planning a Pregnancy 

Shine can offer expert advice on preparing for pregnancy and becoming parents to  

  • Individuals who have Spina Bifida and want to explore their possibilities of becoming a parent and how to prepare for pregnancy 


  • Anyone who has had a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect and want support and guidance to help prepare for future pregnancies and reduce the chances of another NTD-pregnancy 

If you would like to discuss this with us, please do call us on 01733 555988 and ask to be referred to our health team for pregnancy advice. 

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