Coming up next...

Our online sessions have been designed to give you all the information and support you need to keep physically and mentally well throughout this pandemic.  Join one of our regular events for the chance to interact live and ask questions on the topic - or catch up later by watching ‘on demand’.  

Here's a list of upcoming events - joining instructions and privacy guidance.


Please note - To join our live sessions visit on the day and time of the session. Do not click on any links, unless they are posted by Shine.


Don't miss out!

Our live sessions are available to watch 'on demand' to your convenience.  Past events include a look at skin and tissue, self care, financial planning and lots more as well as play sessions for Shine's Little Stars Members

Catch up now

Please note:

Live Sessions which are broadcast on Facebook are public so any comments and questions that you post will be visible to anyone viewing the stream, and this may include people who are not members of Shine or Shine staff. 

If you have concerns about contributing to an event, please check the event listing for further details or if you want to ask questions or give feedback privately after the session you can contact Shine via email or by phone 01733 555988. 

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