Become a professional member today

Spina bifida and hydrocephalus are complex conditions. Working with professionals who have expertise and experience in these conditions improves our ability to support Shine members. Professional collaboration helps us to improve the lives of people living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus and the lives of those that care for them. 

Become a professional member today

How can we help you? 

At Shine we work across England, Wales and Northern Ireland supporting individuals with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, their families, carers and those working with them. 

We have dedicated health, education and benefits advisors, as well as support workers who work locally with individuals. We can provide information and advice about the conditions and have a range of resources available to download. You will receive a digital copy of our magazine, Together, twice a year and will be invited to relevant events. If you’re involved in relevant research we can write letters of support for funding applications, help recruit study participants, and can help share your findings with our members, increasing your research impact. 

How can you help us? 

As health professionals we value your expertise and your everyday experiences with these conditions. We would love for you to join our community (or become a professional member), to work together to make a difference.  

We may occasionally contact you about relevant events or research that we are undertaking. We assure you that we take your personal data very seriously and would never pass this on to third parties. You can view our Privacy Policy here.

We welcome applications from:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Psychologists
  • Allied health professionals working with people with spina bifida or hydrocephalus
  • Clinical and/or academic researchers investigating any aspect of neural tube defects, including any types of spina bifida, or hydrocephalus
  • Education staff
  • Social workers/care managers

We are also keen to work with researchers looking into conditions that affect our members with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus e.g. pressure sores, anxiety/depression etc. 

Become a professional member today

Just complete the short form below to access a range of membership benefits.



Address (if you would like to be sent resources)


Supporters consent

In addition to news, updates and invitations, Shine would also like to email you with information about ways you can support the charity and our work in the future. This may include:

• Ways to donate or raise money for us

• How to get involved with campaigns

• Volunteering opportunities

To do so, we need your consent. If you would like to become a supporter of Shine and receive emails from us about upcoming appeals and opportunities, please tick the box below.

Find out more

For more information, or to discuss the benefits of professional membership with a member of our team, call 01733 555988 or email

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