As well our extensive online content, Shine also offer a comprehensive library of physical literature to support you and those around you to learn more about the condition.
All resources on this page are available by post on request.
Whether you're living with spina bifida, or caring for someone who does, Shine has a host of useful resources to help you raise awareness and get the support you need throughout the campaign, and beyond.
For more information, click the link below which best suits you.
Here at Shine, we like to make sure you, and those around you know more about your condition so that you can get the support you need, where you need it, when you need it. If you need help in a particular area, choose from an option below for more
As well as our in-depth resources for people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, Shine also has a range of information available online covering other useful topics which are relevant, but not specific to either condition.
You can print any page on our website, by clicking the grey print icon at the top of the page.